Liver Fibrosis Progression in Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C
Virus Coinfected Patients
Hepatology, October 1999, p. 1054-1058, Vol. 30, No. 4
Yves Benhamou1, Marie Bochet2, Vincent Di Martino1, Frederic Charlotte3, Felipe Azria1, Anne Coutellier4, Michel Vidaud1, FranÁois Bricaire2,Pierre Opolon1, Christine Katlama2, and Thierry Poynard1 for the for
the MULTIVIRC Group >From the 1Service d'HÈpato-GastroentÈrologie, Groupe Hospitalier PitiÈ
SalpÍtriËre and UPRES-A 8067, Paris, France; 2Service de Maladies Infectieuses, Groupe Hospitalier PitiÈ-SalpÍtriËre, Paris, France; 3Service d'Anatomie Pathologique, Groupe Hospitalier PitiÈ-SalpÍtriËre,
Paris, France; and 4Service de MÈdecine Interne, Groupe Hospitalier PitiÈ-SalpÍtriËre, Paris, France.
The natural history of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients has never been studied
according to the concept of liver fibrosis progression. The aim of this work was to assess the fibrosis progression rate in HIV-HCV coinfected
patients and in patients infected by HCV only. A cohort of 122 HIV-HCV coinfected patients was compared with a control group of
122 HIV-negative HCV-infected patients. Groups were matched according to age, sex, daily alcohol consumption, age at HCV infection, and duration
and route of HCV infection. The fibrosis progression rate was defined as the ratio between fibrosis stage (METAVIR scoring system) and the HCV
duration. The prevalence of extensive liver fibrosis (METAVIR fibrosis scores 2, 3, and 4) and moderate or severe activity were higher in
HIV-infected patients (60% and 54%, respectively) than in control patients (47% and 30%, respectively; P < .05 and P< .001, respectively). The median fibrosis progression rate in
coinfected patients and in control patients was 0.153 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.117-0.181) and 0.106 (95% CI, 0.084-0.125) fibrosis
units per year, respectively (P < .0001). HIV seropositivity (P< .0001), alcohol consumption (>50 g/d, P = .0002), age at HCV
infection (<25 years old, P < .0001), and severe immunosuppression (CD4 count 200 cells/µL, P < .0001) were associated with an increase in the
fibrosis progression rate. In coinfected patients, alcohol consumption (>50 g/d), CD4 count (200 cells/µL), and age at HCV infection (<25 years
old) (P < .0001, respectively) were associated with a higher fibrosis progression rate. HIV seropositivity accelerates HCV-related liver
fibrosis progression. In coinfected patients, a low CD4 count, alcohol consumption rate, and age at HCV infection are associated with a higher
liver fibrosis progression rate.