Webcast Complications Plenary at IAC Vienna: The Double-Edged Sword: Long-Term Complications of ART and HIV
7/19/2010 · Vienna, Austria
from Jules: this was one of the more interesting sessions at Vienna, it's a series of slide talks on HIV & bone, kidney, heart and the brain by good speakers. Here is link to view webcast----
please see the AIDS 2010 webpage on the Kaiser Family Foundation website.
Presentations in This Session:
Bones of Contention: HIV and Bone Disease
Paddy Mallon (Ireland) School of Medicine and Medical Sciences Mater
Misericordiae University Hospital University College Dublin, Ireland
HAART to Heart: HIV and Cardiovascular Disease
Georg Behrens (Germany) Clinic for Immunology and Rheumatology Hannover Medical School, Germany
Kidney Conundrums: HIV and Renal Disease
Mohamed Atta (United States) MD, MPH Johns Hopkins
Out of Sight Out of Mind: Brain Impairment/Dementia and HIV
Victor Valcour (United States) Associate Professor, Memory and Aging Center University of California - San Francisco
Questions and Answers