Impact of prior NRTI failure in the ODIS trial, a study conducted in HIV+ patients with undetectable viremia on protease inhibitors who switched to raltegravir qd versus bid
Reported by Jules Levin
This was presented as a poster at the HIV Resistance Wkp 2 weeks ago in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Eugenia Vispo, Pablo Barreiro, Francisco Blanco, Sonia RodrÃguez-Novoa*, Judit Morello*, Inmaculada Jimenez-Nacher*, Juan Gonzalez-Lahoz and Vincent Soriano
Department of Infectious Diseases and *Pharmacology Unit. Hospital Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
From Jules: again, remember the SPIRAL Study presented here in Vienna where patients with undetectable viral load for 6 years did well after switching from PI to raltegravir despite prior NRTI failures.
