Results from a Single Arm Study of Darunavir/RitonavirPlus Raltegravir in Treatment-Naïve HIV-1-Infected Patients (ACTG A5262)
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2011 March 2 Boston
BabafemiTaiwo*1, Summer Zheng2, SebastienGallien3, Roy Matining2, Daniel Kuritzkes3, Cara Wilson4, BaibaBerzins1, Edward Acosta5, Peter Kim6, Joseph Eron7, and ACTG A5262 Team 1Northwestern Univ., Chicago, IL, US 2Harvard Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Boston, MA, US 3Brigham and Women`sHosp. Harvard Med. Sch., Boston, MA, US 4Univ. of Colorado, Denver, CO, US 5Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham, US 6NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US and 7Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US

112 treatment-naive patients received nuke sparing DRV/r 800/100 QD + raltegravir 400 bid. 28 subjects (11 additional rebounds) had viral failure by week 48 (26%). Subjects with VF had lower baseline CD4 (192 vs 322) and higher baseline VL (5.2vs 4.7 log). Integrase rresistance mutations were found in 5 subjects. No PI resistance emerged. See Joe Eron's comments on this study in his NATAP CROI Report:
CROI: Integrating Integrase Inhibitors and other antiretroviral stories - Joe Eron MD Professor of Medicine; UNC Chapel Hill - (03/15/11)
