Low Relapse Rate Leads to High Concordance of SVR4 and SVR12 With SVR24 After Treatment With ABT-450/r, ABT-267, ABT-333 + Ribavirin in Patients With Chronic HCV Genotype 1 Infection in the AVIATOR Study
Reported by Jules Levin
AASLD 2013 Nov 1-4 Wash DC
F Poordad1, K Agarwal2, Z Younes3, D Cohen4, W Xie4, T Podsadecki4
1The Texas Liver Insti tute, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas, United States; 2Insti tute of Liver Studies, Kings College Hospital, London, United Kingdom; 3Gastro One, Germantown, Tennessee, United States; 4AbbVie Inc., North Chicago, Illinois, United States
