Predictors of Mortality among United States Veterans with Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus (HIV/HCV) Co-Infection
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2013
Sebhat Erqou MD PhD1,2, Arpan Mohanty MD1, Adeel A. Butt MD MS 2, 3,4
1. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC); 2. Veterans Administration (VA) Pittsburgh Healthcare System; 3. University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine;
4. Sheikh Khalifa Medical City, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Correspondence: aabutt@pitt.edu
Among 8,039 HIV infected Veterans, 5251 (65.3%) had HCV co-infection.
· The all-cause mortality rate among Veterans with HIV/HCV co-infection was 74.1 (70.4 - 77.9) per 1000 person-years (PY). The corresponding figure for Veterans with HIV infection was 39.8 (36.3-43.6) per 1000 PY.
·Among Veterans with HIV/HCV co-infection, decompensated liver disease (hazard ratio [95% CI] 2.36 [2.00-2.78]), anemia (1.85 [1.57-2.17]), coronary artery disease (1.65 [1.25 - 2.16]), COPD (1.64 [1.32-2.04]), chronic kidney disease (1.49 [1.25-1.78]) cancer (1.48 [1.20-1.83]) and age (1.34 [ 1.21 - 1.48] for every 10 years older age) were predictors of higher risk of mortality
