Small Magnetite Antiretroviral (SMART) Nanoparticles for Targeted Drug Delivery to Viral Reservoirs
Reported by JulesLevin
CROI 2013
Dongwei Guo, T Li, J McMillan, M Boska, X Liu, and H Gendelman
Univ of Nebraska Med Ctr, Omaha, US
1. SMART particles that have slow and sustained drug release can be developed for noninvasive evaluation of drug distribution and pharmacokinetics and serve as a platform for ligand screening.
2. The concentrations of iron and drug demonstrate good correlation in various tissue, e.g. liver, spleen
3. SMART particles have the potential to permit evaluation of AR concentrations in viral reservoirs including the brain and lymphoid tissues.
4. SMART particles can provide rapid assessments of next generation cell and tissue ligand targeted particles.
