Aging & Cure - a talk by Steve Deeks, MD at the IAS Conference in Kuala Lumpur
Link to webcast of Deeks oral talk on HIV/Aging & Cure at IAS Opening Plenary Session Sunday June 30 in Kuala Lumpur
from Jules: Dr Deeks reviews the aging problem in HIV: the Persistent inflammation/immune dysfunction, Excess co-morbidity (non-AIDS events), Clinical aging, and makes reference to that our overburdened health care systems not designed or resourced to provide chronic care; reviews data and results from studies, he discusses: Inflammation predicts disease in treated HIV infection, as it does in the general population; from a recent study presented: "More than 50% of HIV-infected adults age 55-60 had two or more co-morbidities, higher than uninfected adults more than a decade older"......."HIV-infected adults have many traditional risk factors for frailty and other geriatric syndromes, raising concerns that the real burden of disease will only become apparent late in life"......"Frailty-like syndrome occurs earlier in HIV disease (predicted by CD4 nadir).....Frail state is associated with elevated levels of immune activation"......"rates of co-morbidities higher in Botswana than US"....."community-based chronic care delivery models will be needed to address changing needs.......Can inflammation, multi-morbidity and "premature" aging be reversed or prevented?"........"Early ART is associated with less inflammation during Will this result in benefit???" ........."Healthy aging requires aggressive risk factor management (in middle age), exercise and diet"......"Can a cure address many limitations of ART, including chronic inflammation, excess co-morbidities and overwhelmed health care systems?"
"The End of AIDS
Treated HIV as a Chronic Disease"
Steven G. Deeks
Professor of Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
