Impact of treatment induced vs. spontaneous HCV clearance on the long term risk of hepatocellular carcinoma: BC Hepatitis Testers Cohort
Poster 760
Reported by Jules Levin
AASLD 2016 Nov 11-15 Boston, MA
Mel Krajden1,2, Maryam Darvishian1, 2, Mark Tyndall1, 2, Mei Chong1, Darrel Cook1 , Margot Kuo1, Hasina Samji1, 2, Zahid A Butt1, 2, Amanda Yu1,Maria Alvarez1, Jason Wong1, 2, Ryan Woods3, Naveed Z Janjua1, 2
1BC Centre for Disease Control, Vancouver, BC; 2University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC; 3BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
from Jules: this study drew attention at AASLD because it highlights the HCC risk for patients who achieved SVR, their rate of HCC was compared to spontaneous HCV clears and the rate for SVR was double showing that the earliest possible HCV treatment is the best way to prevent HCC. Also look at these 2 graphs/tables, you will see the stark differences & key is that having cirrhosis increases risk 3.69 fold, the highest rate of all the contributors to HCC again reflecting the risk by delaying therapy. Age over 50 & 60 increases risk, so does having genotype 3, diabetes & alcohol use. Of course not having achieved SVR has greatest risk.
Poster 760
