Understanding the Relative Contributions of IDU and HCV on Systemic Immune Activation...... .....HCV should be aggressively treated in current IDUs even more if HIV and/or HCV positive
From Jules: This is why IDUs need to be treated for HCV immediately, without lifting the restrictions treatment is impeded & is a disservice to these individuals. There is little or no focus on lifting these restrictions in NYS by advocates.
[from Jules: ....HCV & active IDU associated with immune activation...... ......authors summarize in program abstract that HCV treatment should be aggressive in IDUs because their immune system is activated, immune activation can lead to inflammation which can have poor long-term outcomes, we know that the onset of & early & accelerated & premature onset of comorbidities like heart disease, neurologic impairment, and perhaps kidney disease, bone disease & frailty are all associated with immune activation & to inflammation; in HIV+ & HCV+ persons they have immune activation from both diseases perhaps providing additional or double the amount of immune activation & inflammation, and here in this study they found active IDU also is associated with immune activation suggesting individuals with HIV & HCV & current IDUs are at even greater risk for immune activation & inflammation & onset for & perhaps early, accelerated & premature comorbidities: ....."Active IDU and HCV viremia are associated with persistent immune activation. Select markers of immune activation are significantly lower among the HCV-aviremic who cease injecting but not in those who are HCV viremic. These findings may have public health consequences. Aggressive treatment of HCV infection as well as enhanced harm reduction efforts should converge to optimize long-term outcomes." ]
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2016 Feb 22-24 Boston
Martin Markowitz1, Sherry Deren2, Charles Cleland2, Melissa La Mar1, Evelyn Silva2, Pedro Batista2, Leslie St. Bernard1, Natanya Gettie1, Haekyung Lee3, Saurabh Mehandru3.
1. Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, an affiliate of the Rockefeller University, New York, N.Y. 2. Center for Drug Use and HIV Research, New York University College of Nursing, New York, N.Y. 3. Immunology Institute and Department of Gastroenterology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai, New York, N.Y.
