95% SVR Rates Using Imported Generic DAAs for Patients With Hepatitis C
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2017 Feb 14-17 Seattle, WA
Andrew Hill1, Giten Khwairakpam2, James Wang3, Sergey Golovin4, Julia Dragunova5, Rachel Smith6, Vicky Houghton-Price6, Roxanna Korologou-Linden7, Anton Pozniak1, Greg Jefferys8, James Freeman9.
1St Stephens AIDS Trust, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK. 2TREAT Asia/amfAR, Bangkok, Thailand. 3Ci Run Health Information Consulting Co. Ltd., Kunming, China. 4International Treatment Preparedness Coalition, St Petersburg, Russia. 5International Treatment Preparedness Coalition and GEPATITKA Community, St Petersburg, Russia. 6Metavirology Ltd. London, UK. 7Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK. 8University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia.9Sandy Bay Medical Nephrology Sandy Bay Australia.

*Note: This does not include data from one Australian buyers club as aggregated data was not available by treatment regimen orbygenotype.

Note: Maps do not account for all members of the Buyers Clubs communities in this analysis as some patients preferred not to disclose their location.