BMS-986036 (pegylated FGF21) in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis: A phase 2 study
from Jules: people with HIV appear to be at higher risk for NASH. It can cause elevated ALT/liver function tests, can be a sign for fatty liver, but many HIV clinicians do not connect the dots that a patient's elevated ALTs may be due to NASH so they usually write it off as "everyone with HIV has elevated ALTs. Increased risk for fatty liver in HIV may be due to previous use of old nukes, metabolic & lipid abnormalities in HIV+ and may be associated with some ARTs, and perhaps to HIV itself.
Reported by Jules Levin
EASL 2017 April 19-23 Amsterdam Netherlands
Arun Sanyal,1 Edgar D. Charles,2 Brent Neuschwander-Tetri,3 Rohit Loomba,4 Stephen Harrison,5 Manal F. Abdelmalek,6 Eric Lawitz,7 Dina Halegoua-DeMarzio,8 Yuping Dong,2 Stephanie Noviello,2 Saravanan Krishnamoorthy,2 Yi Luo,2 Rose Christian2
1Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA; 2Bristol-Myers Squibb, Lawrenceville, New Jersey, USA; 3Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA; 4University of California - San Diego, San Diego, California, USA; 5Pinnacle Clinical Research, San Antonio, Texas, USA; 6Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA; 7Texas Liver Institute, University of Texas Health, San Antonio, Texas, USA; 8Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA