National Groups Seek Better Access to Sterile Syringes
Call Issued for State Leaders in Medicine,
Public Health and Pharmacy to Mobilize
CHICAGO, Oct. 29 /PRNewswire/ -- Almost one-third of all AIDS cases and one half of hepatitis C cases in the U.S. are either directly or indirectly
linked to injection drug use. Because access to sterile syringes is limited, transmission of blood-borne infections to injection drug users, their
partners and their children continues to be an enormous public health concern.
In a joint letter issued last week, the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Pharmaceutical Association (APhA), the Association of State and
Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy
(NABP) and the National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD) urged state leaders in medicine, pharmacy and public
health to appropriately coordinate their efforts to address access to sterile syringes as a means of preventing further transmission of blood-borne
diseases. The leaders were also asked to consider the availability of substance abuse treatment and options for safe disposal of syringes.
In addition, the AMA, APhA, ASTHO, and NASTAD encouraged state-level action to reduce the legal and regulatory barriers that currently restrict access to
sterile syringes in nearly every state.
"The AMA strongly urges state medical associations to join this important effort," said Thomas Reardon, MD, president of the AMA. "Any action that
will help reduce diseases like AIDS, and hepatitis C -- infections that pose a huge threat to public health -- is clearly an action that physicians should
squarely support."
In 1997, the United States Public Health Service issued a recommendation that drug users who continue to inject use a new sterile syringe for each
injection -- and that the most reliable source from which to obtain the syringes was a pharmacist. The AMA, APhA, ASTHO and NASTAD all have policies
supporting that recommendation and seeking the modifications of state laws and pharmacy regulations that make it difficult for injection drug users --
who continue to inject -- to follow medical and public health advice that sterile syringes only be used once.
"Pharmacists can play a major role in opening up access to sterile syringes to help prevent the spread of blood-borne pathogens," said John A.
Gans, executive vice president of the APhA. "We encourage state pharmacy associations and boards of pharmacy to join with their colleague
organizations to eliminate state level restrictions on the sale of sterile syringes. Their participation in this effort is key."
"Obviously, the best way to prevent the transmission of blood-borne pathogens is to avoid injecting illicit substances," said George Hardy, MD, executive
director of ASTHO. "However, to protect those people who continue to inject, the most effective strategy -- from a public health standpoint -- is to
remove the legal barriers that criminalize the distribution and/or possession of syringes, and provide the appropriate counseling and treatment."
"The positive impact of increasing access to sterile syringes on disease prevention has already been demonstrated on both the state and local levels,
as well as in numerous foreign countries," said Julie Scofield, executive director of NASTAD. "With an estimated one new HIV infection occurring every
15 minutes in the U.S., it's time for society to move beyond hypothetical concerns to tackle the immediate public health need to make sterile syringes
SOURCE American Medical Association
CO: American Medical Association; American Pharmaceutical Association; Association of State and Territorial Health Officials; National
Association of Boards of Pharmacy; National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors