Bone Problems
are concerns that antiretroviral therapy may be associated with bone problems
people undergoing antiretroviral therapy for HIV. A preliminary study reported
at the Feb. 2000 Retrovirus Conference suggested HAART therapy may be associated
with decreased bone mineral density. Below are 3 preliminary studies which are
not prospective randomized controlled studies, which is what we need to properly
assess if HAART contributes to bone problems. The first study suggests
contributing factors other than PI therapy and the second study suggests PI
therapy is associated. Of note 2/3 case studies in the first study were women.
Both study authors suggest steroid use may be associated with developing bone
problems. The study immediately below suggests an association between
cortcosteroids and bone problem. The third study is in 18 women and suggests
an increase in the activity in IL-1
(osteolytic cytokine) at tissue sites may be associated with the problem. The
ACTG is planning studies to explore this question.
necrosis in HIV 1 patients in therapy with HAART
Raise from the ID Clinic at Giovanni e Paolo Hospital in Venice Italy reported
on this study. An increased of frequency of osteonecrosis linked
to metabolic complications of protease inhibitors (PI) was observed
but other risk factors are associated: alcohol abuse, corticosteroid
therapy (CT), anticardiolipin antibodies (LAC). We have reviewed
data in the venetian cohort (VC) of 250 HIV patients (pts) in 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999; during this period PI were
administered to the pts in
association with NRTI.
cases were identified in the VC. Case
1: A 35 year old man, HIV seropositive
CDC C3, complained of pain in his right trochanteric region for
6 months (m). The MRI scan showed subcondral avascular necrosis
(AN) of the femoral right head. There was no history of trauma,
alcohol abuse or corticosteroid prolonged therapy. He started
antiretroviral therapy ten years before and PI therapy (Saquinavir-
SQV, Ritonavir-RTV) in association with NRTI (ZDV, D4T, 3TC)
and NNRTI (Nevirapine) from 1996. His viral load (VL) was 250.000
copies / ml and CD4 65 cell/ml at the time of diagnosis, the
LAC antibodies were positive (IgG 120 GPL-IgM 35 MPL). Case
2: A 35 old female, HIV 1 CDC
C3 complained lumbar pain in L1, the pt
had been treated from 1996 with PI (SQV,RTV,IDV) and NRTI (D4T and 3TC). The MRI showed avascular lesion of the lumbar
body; CD4 were 250 cell/ml and VL was > 200 copies /ml. Case
3: A 31 old female , HIV 1 CDC C3 had cervical right pain in
C6-7; the MRI revealed AN of the body of C6. The pt had been
treated from 1996 with PI (SQV, IDV, RTV) in association with
NRTI ( D4T, 3TC), CD4 cells were 250 per ml, VL >200 copies/ml. Raise
concludes AN is a rare complication in HIV advanced disease; the risk factors,
in some cases, were metabolic disturbances, LAC antibodies but some patients did
not have these alterations (cases 2
and 3), therefore another pathogenic mechanism should be involved
with PI.
necrosis (AVN) in HIV patients receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART)
Monticelli from Buenos Aires, Argentina reported this study. Avascular necrosis
has been reported in HIV infected
patients on HAART. Although this disabling adverse event has been linked to
therapy with protease inhibitors (PI), its true incidence and clinical outcome
has not been fully characterized. In
the absence of controlled studies and clinical data with regard to outcome of
patients with AVN and AIDS, case series are needed in
order to accumulate experience and raise awareness of this rare
goal of this study is to report clinical features and outcome on 10 episodes
of AVN in 8 HIV infected patients. receiving ART. From June '98 to June
'99 a structured questionnaire requesting information
on cases of AVN was mailed to 9 physicians affiliated
to 6 HIV clinics located in down town Buenos Aires, Argentine,
which provide care to approximately 1500 HIV infected individuals.
Diagnosis was clinically suspected and confirmed by CT scan, MRI and or
bone scan. Tissue diagnosis was available for 4 patients.
9 physicians returned the questionnaire reporting 10 episodes on 8 patients who
had AVN while receiving a PI-containing regimen
in 7 patients.. All patients were male, median age was 46 (36-64).
Six of 8 had a prior AIDS defining illness. The patients that receiving
a PI containing regimen were 7 (IND = 3, SAQ = 3, NELF = 1),
the other received 2NRTI. Four of 8 had undetectable plasma viral load at
onset of symptoms. Median time on
PIs at the time of diagnosis of AVN was
39 weeks (20-60). Identified co-morbid actors were alcoholism
(1), steroids use (1), triglycerides were made in 5/8 and was increased in 3. Four of 8 pts. presented with unilateral and
the others 4 presented bilateral AVN of femoral head. After surgical 5
patients were switched to a NNRTI containing regimen and remained disease free,
4 patients were continued on PI-based regimens
and 2 experience recurrence.
concludes that this case seriescould adds evidence to the role of
ART in the development of AVN. Recurrence by continuing a PI
based regimen after experiencing AVN was observed and is of concern. More studies are necessaries to define the rol of ART in that
mineral density, bone turnover and cytokines in female patients with AIDS
Umar of Hermosa beach California and P Schaefer and G Feleke of New York
investigated bone mineral density (BMD) in
female patients with AIDS (FPWA), because of the preponderance
of osteolytic cytokines in AIDS patients, and the increased longevity
in HIV disease.
was measured by dual-energy-absorptiometry
in 18 FPWA (Center for Disease Control 1993 criteria). Thirteen
were African-American (AA), the remaining 5 were Caucasians (C).
Mean age was 43 ± 5.8 (mean ± SD) with 12 premenopausal
(9AA, 3C), and 6 postmenopausal (4AA, 2C). All subjects were
receiving conventional antiretroviral therapy for a mean duration
of 8 months (minimum of 2). None had secondary factors that could influence BMD either in the past or at the time of
enrollment. AIDS cachexia and
malnutrition defined as a body mass index of
18kg/m2, and a low prealbumin or albumin was not present in any
of the 18 subjects. BMD was measured in g/cm2, and expressed
as T-scores (standard scores for young females at time of peak bone
mass). Osteopenia and osteoporosis were defined in terms
of T-scores of -1.00 to -2.50 and <-2.50 respectively. Serum level of cytokines known to influence BMD including
interleukin (IL)-1a, IL-1b, tumor
necrosis factor (TNF)-a, IL-1receptor antagonist (ra), and IL-6 were measured by ELISA in all subjects. Levels
of insulin growth factor (IGF)-1 were also determined as were
markers of burn turnover in those with diminished BMD.
the 18 subjects studied, 6 were osteoporotic (5AA, 1C), 3 were osteopenic (2AA, 1C). Of these 9 with diminished BMD,
5(56%) were premenopausal (4
osteoporotic, 1 osteopenic). Eight of the 9
subjects with diminished BMD had increased markers of bone resorption including
urinary collagen N-telopeptide (NTx) -74mM BCE/mM, and deoxypyridinoline crosslinks (P) -7.4nM DPD/mM
(both NTx and P in 6 subjects and P
alone in 2). Only four of 9 of the
affected subjects had increased osteocalcin (marker for bone formation).
Majority of the study subjects (17 of 18) had elevated
IL-1ra. When compared to those with normal BMD, subjects with
diminished BMD had higher levels of IL-1ra p = .02, but not in
the other cytokines.
authors concluded decreased BMD, secondary to bone resorption is a frequent
finding in FPWA that is unexplained by
AIDS cachexia, menopausal status or race. Other studies in
HIV disease indicate that increased IL-1ra may suggest an increase
in the activity in IL-1 (osteolytic cytokine) at tissue sites.
They suggest a further study of the role of antiretroviral
medications on this phenomenon.