Jnl of AIDS
PAGES: 0605-0611
RECEIVED: 14 June 1999
ACCEPTED: 22 December 1999
AUTHOR: Ricky N. Bluthenthal*, Alex H. Kral?, Lauren Gee?, Elizabeth A.
Erringer, Brian R. Edlin
ADDRESS: *Drug Policy Research Center and Health Program, RAND, Santa
Monica, USA; ?Urban Health Study, Department of Family and Community Medicine
and Institute for Health Policy Studies, University of California, San
Francisco, California, USA; ?Urban Health Study, Department of Family and
Community Medicine and Institute for Health Policy Studies, University of
California, San Francisco, California, USA; Urban Health Study, Department of
Family and Community Medicine and Institute for Health Policy Studies,
University of California, San Francisco, California, USA; Urban Health Study,
Department of Family and Community Medicine and Institute for Health Policy
Studies, University of California, San Francisco, California, USA
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether syringe exchange program use is
associated with cessation of syringe sharing among high-risk injection drug
DESIGN AND METHODS: Between 1992 and 1996, street-recruited injection
drug users were interviewed and received HIV testing and counseling
semi-annually, as part of a dynamic cohort study. We examined a cohort of 340
high-risk injection drug users for whom two observations, 6-months apart, were
available and who reported syringe sharing at the first interview. Multivariate
logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the relationship between
syringe exchange program use and cessation of syringe sharing, while controlling
for confounding factors.
RESULTS: At follow-up interview, 60% (204 of 340) reported quitting
syringe sharing. High-risk injection drug users who began using the syringe
exchange program were more likely to quit sharing syringes [adjusted odds ratio
(AOR), 2.68; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.35--5.33], as were those who
continued using the syringe exchange program (AOR,1.98; 95% CI, 1.05--3.75) in
comparison with non-syringe exchange program users, while controlling for
confounding factors.
CONCLUSIONS: The initiation and continuation of syringe exchange program
use among high-risk injection drug users is independently associated with
cessation of syringe sharing. Syringe exchange program use can be an important
component in reducing the spread of blood-borne infectious diseases among
high-risk injection drug users.
AIDS 2000, 14:0605-0611 2000 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins