Menopause May Accelerate Liver Fibrosis; Perhaps Hormone Replacement Therapy
Can Be Helpful
Vincent Di Martino, Pascal Lebray, Joseph Moussalli, GH Pitie-Salpetriere and
Reseau VHC Paris-Sud, Paris France; Catherine Buffet, HTMpital Bicetre et
Reseau VHC-Paris Sud, Kremlin-Bicętre France; Thierry Poynard, GH
Pitie-Salpetriere and Reseau VHC Paris-Sud, Paris France
program abstract:
During chronic hepatitis C (CHC), liver fibrosis progression is faster in
males than in females. Among all the factors involved in such difference,
estrogenes may be a major one since experimental data recently supported that
estrogenes may have direct antifibrosing effect. The aim of this work was to
evaluate the influence of pregnancies, oral contraceptives and menopause on
liver fibrosis (F) and fibrosis progression rate (FPR) in HCV-infected women,
taking into account confusing factors such as age, alcohol consumption, and
Patients and methods: 472 women with CHC without HBV nor HIV coinfection
received an anonymous questionnaire that asked for alcohol and tobacco
consumption, presence of diabetes, age at first menstruation, age at
pregnancies with or without children, hormonal contraception, age at
menopause and its cause if any, and hormonal substitution. These data were
completed by those collected in the DOSVIRC database. Liver biopsies
performed before antiviral therapy were analyzed using the METAVIR scoring
system. The FPR was estimated in case of known date of HCV infection and
expressed in milli METAVIR Units of fibrosis per year. Statistical analyses
were performed using Kruskall-Wallis rank test and logistic and multiple
linear regression models for multivariate analyses.
Results: 212 (44%) women completed the questionnaire. 192 (48±1 years old)
underwent adequate liver sample, among whom 99 had 1 to 7 pregnancies (0 to 5
children) during 15±1 months, 86 received oral contraceptive(s) during 31±4
months, 95 had menopause 11±1 years before liver biopsy, and 47 received
hormonal substitution during 7±1 years. Only one woman had alcohol intake
more than 50g/d. In univariate analysis, F score and/or FPR were
significantly lower in women who had one or more pregnancies, who received
hormonal contraception, who were seen before menopause or who received
hormonal substitution, whereas liver necro-inflammatory lesions(A) were not
different (table). After adjustment on age and BMI, multivariate analyses
showed that menopause was associated with higher F score and FPR, and that
pregnancies were associated with lower FPR ; the effect of oral
contraceptives was not significant.
Conclusion: in women with CHC, menopause accelerates the liver fibrosis
progression. Such effect seems prevented by hormonal substitution.
Pregnancies may have a long-term beneficial impact on liver fibrosis.
editorial note: a pilot study presented at the AASLD Single Conference
meeting in June 2001 showed HRT could improve response to HCV therapy for
postmenopausal women.