At a community meeting hosted by Roche 2 days ago, Roche announced they are
freezing their
HIV drug wholesale prices. This is in line with announcements by several
other key HIV drug
makers: GlaxoSmithKline, Abbott, Pfizer/Agouron, Bristol Myers Squibb. The
Fair Pricing Coalition
is a community group approaching additional HIV drug makers to follow suit.
ADAP is a State and
Federal program that provides HIV medications to individuals without private
and public
insurance. Although additional funding was requested this year to meet
increased, funding for ADAPs has been in essence flat funded by Congress and
the Administration. As a result, ADAP programs are initiating cutbacks. These
price freezes are intended to help address this problem but will not solve
the problem. In order to help you can contact your Congressional and
Senatorial representatives and ask them to support additional funding for
ADAP. ADAPs are also under pressure from the need to supply hepatitis C drugs
for HIV-infected patients also infected with HCV and for the new upcoming HIV
entry inhibitor drug T-20, which is expected to be FDA approved around March
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