This study was presented at the EASL liver meeting in Madrid by a Greek
research group from the University of Crete. The aim of this study was to
define the natural history of compensated cirrhosis and analyze age, sex and
cirrhosis etiology at diagnosis to identify prognostic factors available at
diagnosis which might influence the time or decompensation or survival.
The authors retrospectively analyzed data of 306 compensated cirrhotic
patients from
diagnosis to decompensation and, death, using the log rank test and
univariate Cox PH models.
RESULTS: 54.9% of the patients were males, 47.06% were <64 years old. 56 had
cirrhosis, 17 had alcoholic cirrhosis with a viral infection, 45 had HBV
cirrhosis, 145 had HCV
cirrhosis and 43 had cryptogenic cirrhosis. 150 patients (49.02%) became
decompensated within
the study period. Median time to decompensation was 58 months (95% CI 51 and
65 months).
Patients with HCV cirrhosis had longer times to decompensation than the other
groups (81
65% of all patients remain compensated 3 years after diagnosis, reduced to
34% after 7
years. 70 patients (22.88%) died within the study period. The median survival
time was 126
months (95% CI 103 to 149 months). The prognostic factors available at
diagnosis that were
found to have a significant effect on decompensation and survival time were
sex (p = 0.0024 and
p = 0.0007) and etiology of cirrhosis (p < 0.0001 and p = 0.0024). The
authors found that females with HCV cirrhosis have the longest time until
decompensation and the longest survival times.