HIV Activist Jules Levin Comments on T-20 Drug Study
By Kristin Reed
Barcelona, July 8 (Bloomberg) -- An experimental HIV
drug developed by Roche Holding AG and Trimeris Inc.,
known as T-20, significantly cut virus levels in
patients already taking standard medicines and boosted
their immune system, research showed.
The following are comments by Jules Levin, director of
the National AIDS Treatment Project in an interview at
the 14th International AIDS Conference in Barcelona:
On the impact of T-20 for HIV patients:
"It's a major advancement. They have no
cross-resistance (with other drugs). This is like
starting fresh."
"We are making a lot of progress. What is now coming
out (for new drugs) is really promising. It's
promising -- no one really has to die of AIDS any
more, if they are managed properly."
"There will be people who die but I believe that this
really is manageable, if you are managed properly. But
that's a big 'if.' A lot of people don't get proper
"I have diabetes. Diabetes is much harder to
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