NIH Action plan for Liver Disease Research: Call for public comment
September 2004, Volume 127, Number 3
In July 2003, the NIDDK created the new Liver Disease Research Branch within the Division of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition under the leadership of Dr. Jay H. Hoofnagle. The purpose of the creation of the new branch was to bring greater visibility and focus for liver disease research and to ensure growth and excellence in NIH-funded liver-related research. One of the first activities of the branch has been to establish a strategic plan. This trans-NIH plan will provide an overview of the current status of liver disease research and outline major challenges and needs for future research. To develop this plan, a group of participants, including representatives of NIDDK, other NIH institutes and government agencies, intramural NIH scientists, members of the liver disease research community, and lay and patient advocacy groups met under the auspices of the Liver Disease Subcommittee of the Digestive Disease Interagency Coordinating Committee, a Congressionaly mandated planning group for digestive disease research. This group devised an approach that consisted of the formation of 16 working groups in different topic areas, each with a Chairperson and multiple expert members. Each working group has written a brief synopsis providing background information, recent research advances, recommended research goals, and steps needed to reach the goals. Each report was then subject to additional comments by independent reviewers. The emphasis of the report has been to develop important, overarching but specific research goals that are attainable, measurable, and have potential for translation into improved care of patients with liver diseases. The action plan draft report can be found at the website: http://www.niddk.nih.gov/fund/divisions/ddn/ldrb/comments.htm. Comments from interested members of the research community are welcome and can be sent to the committee at liverplan@mail.nih.gov prior to finalization of a report to Congress.