HIV Emergency Gulf Coast Coverage
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Update from In This Together, an agency from New Orleans now trying to set up camp and provide emergency case management in Baton Rouge. If you have not donated already, they can use help. Following is a message from David Monroe of In This Together:
"In This Together, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization that was providing Ryan White Title I case management services in the New Orleans EMA. We have evacuated to Baton Rouge. We have been visiting the major shelters in the area trying to ID HIV+ evacuees who need assistance. I think we're making some headway.
"There are tremendous direct service needs in the community. People have been displaced and now homeless, are without clothes and essential items. Many folks don't have ID's. Many are with out medications. Michael is an MSW and has worked in HIV+ in New Orleans for years - he knows a lot those affected. We're trying to direct them to services.
Of course, one of the major challenges is that the HIV infrastructure was in New Orleans - and that's gone. Baton Rouge, has services but they didn't have the infrastructure like New Orleans. We appreciate anything anyone can do. Individuals wishing to make donations should make checks payable to: In This Together, Inc. Checks should be mailed to David Munroe, P.O. Box 41472, Baton Rouge, LA 70835. All donations are tax deductable. The P.O. Box is an individual box not a business box, which is the reason any donations should be sent to me but made out to In This Together, Inc. Thanks for all your help and concern. We really are in this together!
We've been told that our home in New Orleans has water up the balcony - which means we must have 16' - 20' of water (our first floor ceilings were 12'). We're in the process of setting up a small apartment. FEMA STILL IS NOT SET-UP IN BATON ROUGE!
You cannot imagine what it's like here. But, somehow we will get through this.
Dave Munroe