Starting HAART Earlier Results in Highest CD4 Count
Reported by Jules Levin
There were several studies at CROI reporting better outcomes for patients when HAART was initiated earlier, at a higher CD4 count. these studies found higher CD4 counts were achieved, lower rates of AIDS occurred, and in the HOPS study the incidence of certain diseases -- renal, neuropathy, body changes - were lower and lower mortality and incidence of OIs, when HAART was started earlier & if HAART was uninterrupted.
CROI: Early, Uninterrupted ART Is Associated with Improved Outcomes and Fewer Toxicities in the HIV Outpatient Study (HOPS) (02/23/06)
CROI: Early HAART Associated with Improved Outcomes & Fewer Toxicities (02/14/06)
13th CROI
poster 529
Jeanne C. Keruly* and Richard D. Moore
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
The main finding of the authors:
At 5 years, patients who initiate HAART with lower CD4 counts never achieve CD4 levels that are comparable to those who initiate treatment at CD4 > 350 cells. Consideration in initiating HAART at CD4 >350 to achieve full immune
recovery is warranted. Patients who initiate HAART at >350 CD4 count in this study achieved the highest CD4 count. Only patients with baseline CD4 >350 returned to near normal CD4 levels. By 5 years, mean CD4 was 423 in those with baseline CD4 <200, 501 for baseline CD4 201-350, and 681 for baseline CD4 > 350 (Figure 1).
Additional conclusions by authors:
Among patients on HAART who achieve durable viral load suppression to <400 copies/mL, an increase in CD4 cell count is achieved and maintained in all CD4 cell strata out to 5 years.
- The largest increase in CD4 cell change is seen in the first year across all CD4 strata.
- Significant increases in CD4 count to five years are only seen among patients starting out at low CD4 cells counts (<200). Leveling off of CD4 gain is seen after the 3rd year among those with a starting CD4 200-350, and year one among patients with starting CD4 >350. This suggests a plateau effect for achieving full immune reconstitution.
- Patients with IDU risk have less of an increase in CD4 cell
In multivariate analysis, the only factor associated with an increase in CD4 count was IDU. On average, by 5 years, patients with IDU risk had 82 cells less. Sex, race and HAART regimen were not associated with the change in CD4 cell count over time.

Background: Sustained suppression of HIV-RNA by HAART results in immunologic improvement, even among those with low pre-therapy CD4 levels. However, it is not clear whether the CD4 will improve to normal levels, or whether it reaches a plateau over time. We characterized the increase in CD4 level in patients in clinical practice who maintained sustained virologic suppression for up to 5 years.
Methods: All patients were from the Johns Hopkins HIV Clinical Cohort, a
longitudinal observational study of patients in primary HIV care in Baltimore, MD, who (1) were followed for at least 1 year on a HAART regimen, and (2) had a sustained HIV-RNA suppression to <400 copies/ml for the duration of therapy. We analyzed the annual change in CD4 for up to 5 years from the start of HAART. The analysis was stratified by baseline CD4 as <200, 201-350, >350 cells.uL. We compared the overall and annual incremental change (slope) in CD4.
261 patients were followed for a mean of 1225 days (range 366- 3300).
Median age = 39 years, with 68% male, 66% black, 30% IDU risk, and mean baseline CD4 of 234 (Q1 57, Q4 372).
The mean change from baseline to last CD4 was +258 cells, with 91% of patients having a CD4 increase.
By 5 years, mean CD4 was 423 in those with baseline CD4 <200, 501 for baseline CD4 201-350, and 681 for baseline CD4 > 350 (Figure 1).
For all CD4 strata, the largest increase in CD4 slope was in year 1. For baseline CD4 <200 (Figure 2), significant increases in CD4 slope were seen each year (all p<0.05). Significant increases were also seen through year 3 for baseline CD4 201-350 (p<0.05), but no differences in slope in years 4-5. There were no significant annual increase in the CD4 slope beyond year 1 in those with baseline CD4 >350.
Conclusions: Only patients with baseline CD4 >350 returned to near normal
CD4 levels. Significant increases in CD4 are seen in all baseline CD4 strata during the first year. Thereafter, the CD4 continues to increase annually for
5 years only if the baseline CD4 <200. The incremental increase is not as great at higher baseline CD4 levels suggesting a plateau effect.