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Pakistan to launch survey on hepatitis B & C Prevalence
  Staff Report
ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Medical Research Council (PMRC) will launch a national survey in four provinces in July to determine the prevalence of hepatitis B and C in general population.
The Rs 19.224 million project tilted 'Determination of Prevalence of Hepatitis B and C in General Population of Pakistan' was masterminded by the council in consultation with the Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS).
A press statement said the project was targeted at the general public, who were exposed to hepatitis B or C, owing to the lack of knowledge about safe health practices.
"Hepatitis B and C are posing a major threat to our population, but unfortunately, no countrywide data is available to indicate the actual prevalence of the disease, to which the health ministry has tasked Pakistan Medical Research Council (PMRC) with preparing the (PC-1) of the subject," said the statement.
The FBS has determined the sample size of 7,000 households for the whole country. With around seven individuals per house, the total sample to be screened is around 49,000 individuals. These will include males, females, children and infants.
The FBS has identified total 350 areas, which include 175 from the Punjab, comprising 3,500 households, 78 from Sindh with 1,560 households, 55 from NWFP with 1,100 households and 42 from Balochistan with 840 households.
The data will be collected through two questionnaires - one from the head of the family (household performa) and another from each member of the household (individual proforma). All information will be collected on possible routes of transmission of hepatitis B and C. For children, less than 5 years, verification of receiving EPI vaccination will also be done.
Rapid Test Method will be used for screening of all household members for HBsAg and Anti HCV.
Those found borderline positive for HBsAg or HCV would be guided to get consulted under the Prime Minister's Programme for Hepatitis for further confirmation.
Those found to have disease would be referred to the nearest sentinel site designated by the Prime Minister's Programme for Prevention and Control of Hepatitis for treatment. Those found negative for HBsAg would be advised to undergo vaccination (if not previously vaccinated).
After the completion of the survey the council will come to know the exact prevalence of hepatitis B and C in the population so that effective measures could be taken to reduce the disease ensure its monitoring.
The council further emphasized that as all the members of a family would be screened under this survey, the pattern of disease spread (in spouse, siblings, and others) would also be assessed.
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