GS-9350: A Pharmacoenhancer Without anti-HIV Activity
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI Feb 7-12 2009
Montreal, Canada
AA Mathias, P German, M Lee, C Callebaut, L Xu, L Tsai, B Murray, H Liu,
K Yale, D Warren and BP Kearney
Gilead Sciences
Foster City, CA, USA
-- GS-9350 is a potent, selective, mechanism-based CYP3A inhibitor that lacks anti-HIV activity and has limited effects on adipocyte function in vitro
-- GS-9350 boosts CYP3A substrates comparable to RTV in humans
-- EVG/FTC/TDF/GS-9350 FDC tablet achieves desired exposures of EVG, FTC and TFV