MIs, Cocaine/IVDUs French Database
Reported by Jules Levin
EACS Nov 13 2009, Cologne, Germany
from Jules: Dominique Costagliola for the French FHDH cohort database reported this analysis to look at MIs, heart attacks, and their causes. She said "all analyses were adjusted for exposure to each antiretroviral treatment", and they found cocaine and/or IV drug use associated wit MIs (OR 1.6) viral load >50 also (OR 1.5), smoking (OR 4.0) was a big risk factor, hypertension also associated with risk (OR 2.5), hypercholesterol is associated with MI (OR 2.5), also glycemia >5.45 mmol/L (OR 1.6) and CD4/CD8 per unit (OR 0.5). She concluded "traditional CVD risk factors are very strong risk factors of MI in HIV+ patients, ccaine and IV drug use is a risk factor of MI in HIV infected patients, more frequent than in the general public, the role of HIV parameters must also be accounted for: plasma HIV-1 TNA (positive impact of cART), CD4/CD8 ratio (an immune effect not mediated through immunodeficiency, inflammation).

Lang S et al. 16th CROI; Montreal, Canada; February 8-11, 2009 abstract 43LB

Results are median (IQR) or n (%)

Results are median (IQR) or n (%)

All analyses are adjusted for exposure to each ARV