New EACS (European AIDS Clinical Society) HIV Guidelines: HIV treatment, comorbidities (prevention and management of metabolic diseases), management and treatment of chronic hepatitis B and C coinfection in HIV+
Issuing Treatment Guidelines
The European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) established a panel of European HIV treating physicians who produced the EACS Guidelines on the Clinical Management of HIV Infection which were designed to assist in the care of HIV patients and to establish a standard of clinical practice across Europe.
1. Guidelines for the Clinical Management and Treatment of HIV-Infected Adults
2. Guidelines on the Prevention and Management of Metabolic Diseases in HIV
3. Guidelines for the Clinical Management and Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B and C co-infection in HIV-Infected Adults
The full text of the guidelines have been published in HIV Medicine 2008; 9: 65 - 88. EACS aims to present and distribute an update and extension of these guidelines during the upcoming conference in Cologne.
Regularly updated versions are available at
European Treatment Guidelines - Comorbidities
The European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) is a not-for-profit group of European physicians, clinicians and researchers in the field of HIV/ AIDS.
EACS produces the European Guidelines for treatment of HIV infected adults in Europe
Full Version
HIV specific issues to be considered in managing "non-infectious"
Non-infectious co-morbidities include cardiovascular, renal, hepatic, metabolic, neoplastic, bone pathologies and depression. Although HIV and other infections may be involved in their pathogenesis, these guidelines focus on preventive and/or management principles other than use of antivirals and other anti-infectious agents in adults and adolescent HIV-infected persons.
These co-morbidities are becoming increasingly important for HIV-infected persons as a consequence of increased life expectancy resulting from effective ART. Additionally, several demonstrated and proposed HIV-associated risk factors may contribute to their development including immune activation, inflammation and coagulation associated with (uncontrolled) replication of HIV, co-infections (e.g. HCV), ART itself and persistent immunodeficiency.
Bone disease: diagnosis, prevention and management
Depression: diagnosis and management
Kidney disease: diagnosis, prevention and management
Lipodystrophy: prevention and management
Neurocognitive impairment: diagnosis and management
CNS penetration of antiretroviral drugs
Indications and tests for proximal renal tubulopathy (PRT)
International HIV Dementia Scale (IHDS)
Cancer - screening methods
Screening for non-infectious co-morbidities
Work-up and Management of the HIV patient with increased