Vitamin D and Efavirenz
Reported by Jules Levin
11th Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Co-morbidities in HIV
Philadelphia, USA
Oct 26-28 2009
From Jules: There are a number of factors that may cause what we are seeing, very significant reductions in vitamin D levels in a high percent of HIV+ patients. It could be ARTs as some ARTs have been found to be associated with reducing vir D levels perhaps HIV itself is contributing to low vit D levels, perhaps metabolism by patients is causing vit D to be eaten up, perhaps a history of alcohol and substance abuse, and perhaps unexplored additional factors. In addition there is a suggestion that vit D supplementation in HIV+ individuals may not have the same affect of increasing levels seen in the general population, this is an important question and needs to be studied. We need further study of PIs on vitamin D levels. One published study by Brown found Kaletra and EFV both reduced bone mineral density in patients so we need further studies of these important questions.