Recent CD4 Predicts Risk for Cancers; Increased Risk for Anal/liver/Hodgkin Lymphoma/oral cavity pharynx cancers in HIV+
Increased risks for these cancers: anal, liver, oral cavity/pharynx, Hodgkin Lymphoma.
Recent CD4 count is associated with increased risk for these cancers with CD<200 associated with greatest risk, 200-500 less risk and >500 with the least risk but all CD4 groups are associated with greater risk compared to HIV-negatives.
Many cancers linked to HIV-related immunodeficiency, particularly those with knwn infectious causes. Emerging data from cohort studies suggests high recent CD4 reduces cancer risk.
After adjusting for age/sex/tobacco use/alcohol/drug use. Overweight/obese and HCV/HBV they found liver cancer was not an increased risk BUT this is a false theory because in fact HIV+ individuals do in fact suffer with these conditions so the increased risk for liver cancer is real in HIV+.