Elevated Cancer Risks Remains in HAART Era: increasing mortality risk due to non-AIDS cancers- increased risk for these no-AIDS cancers β anal, liver, Hodgkin lymphoma, lung
Reported by Jules Levin
17th CROI 2010 Feb 16-20 SF
Cancer risk in people with AIDS for the 3-5 year period after AIDS onset:

Cumulative incidence of AIDS-defining cancer decreased from 8.7% in 1980-1989, to 6.4% in 1990-1995, and to 2.1% in 1996-2006. But non-AIDS defining cancers increased from 0.86% in 1980-89, to 1.1% and greater for followup out to 10 years, see graph below. When looking at seleted non-AIDS cancers (see graph below) with followup out to 10 years, anal cancer cumultative incidence increased from 0.3% to 0.8% to 0.15% during the 3 respective time periods, for Hodgkin Lymphoma cumulative incidence increased from 0.04% to 0.10% to 0.17% for Liver Cancer cumulative incidence increased from 0.01% to 0.03% to 0.08%, for Lung Cancer it increased from 0.14% to 0.28% to 0.37% during the 3 respective time periods.
Cancer-attributable mortality for non-AIDS-defining cancers have increased from 0.5% in 1980-1989 to 2.3% in the HAART era 1996-2006 βis partly due to an increasing urden of all non-AIDS defining cancers among persons with AIDS diagnosed in HAART era.

Increasing after 10 years as well
