HIV Articles  
Please join the Coalition for HIV and Aging Research and Policy Advocacy (CHAPRA) to support HIV and Aging Research - Sign-On Letter to Anthony Fauci
  Read the letter to Dr. Fauci at the NIH
Premature onset of age-related complications and comorbidities in HIV-positive people has received growing attention. Increasing incidence of these complications, such as cognitive impairment, frailty, heart disease, bone and metabolic disorders, liver and kidney dysfunction, and non-AIDS cancers has been observed in long-term survivors, regardless of factors such as chronological age and full viral suppression from antiretroviral therapy. Yet the National Institutes of Health have not developed a research agenda or funding mechanisms to explore pathogenesis, prevention, and treatment for these conditions.
A new coalition of advocates and people living with HIV, the Coalition for HIV and Aging Research and Policy Advocacy (CHAPRA), will present a letter to Dr. Tony Fauci at the NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) Advisory Council Meeting on September 20th to urge him to take leadership on this critical issue, and to request that HIV and Aging becomes a top research priority.
We invite you to join us in this important and timely campaign. We are requesting both organizational and individual sign-ons.
Deadline for sign-ons is Friday, September 17th.
Please distribute widely.
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