Aging, Metabolics, Comorbidities Research Funding Available -
CALL FOR STUDIES FUNDING - this will appear in JAIDS
AVEC (Abbott Virology External Collaborations) is a collaborative research effort linking global HIV thought leaders, research investigators, young investigators and Abbott Virology. Our mission is to advance antiretroviral (ARV) therapy research with the goal of generating data primarily related to Abbott ARVs, to improve HIV patients? lives.
Proposal selection for competitive research funding will be based on: scientific merit, novelty of the research hypothesis or
approach, investigator capacity and the potential impact of the study results on patient care.
Preferential topics for research funding consideration will be studies in the HIV patient with a focus on: health economy and
outcome research, long-term consequences of HIV infection and therapy (including aging, metabolic and renal disorders, CV risk, CNS disorders and adverse events of therapy), immunity (including immune response to therapy, inflammation and immune
activation) and novel therapeutic strategies.
DEADLINE: 12.15.10
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