80% Prevalence of hypovitaminosis D and
factors associated in a sample of HIV patients in Italy
Reported by Jules Levin
18th Intl AIDS Conference July 18-23 Vienna Austria
D. Pocaterra, Carenzi Laura, Schiavini Monica, Meraviglia Paola, Minisci Davide, Campaniello Maria, Gervasoni Cristina, Bevilacqua Maurizio*, Bonfanti Paolo
Department of Infectious Diseases, * Endocrinologic Unit -Luigi Sacco Hospital, Milan
Author Discussion: the main result of this study is the remarkably high prevalence of hypovitaminosis. Furthermore, investigating the inverse correlation existing between 25-OH vitamin D and PTH, we found that patients on TDF-based treatment had higher levels of PTH than patients not on TDF but with equal vitamin D levels. This data could partially explain the effect of TDF on bone mineral loss even if further investigations are needed.
Background: bone metabolism alteration is an important issue in HIV patients even if pathogenesis of mineral density loss is not yet disclosured.
Vitamin D has a central role in the regulation of bone mineralisation favoring the bowel absorption of calcium and phosphorus and decreasing the calcium kidney excretion. A deficit of 25-OH vitamin D stimulate the release of parathormon which activate osteoclastic bone reabsorption in order to rebalance calcium serum levels.
Methods:we performed a cross-sectional analysis considering immunovirological parameters, 25-OH vitamin D serum levels, parathormon, serum and urine phosphorus levels and HAART treatment in our outpatient clinic for the management of HAART-related toxicity.
Figure 1. Percentage of different values of 25 OH vit D in our sample
