Final Results from Stage 1 of a Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial with TMC207 in Patients with Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR) Tuberculosis (TB)
ICAAC: TMC-207 New TB Drug from Tibotec - New Drug Speeds Response in MDR TB - (09/15/10)
Reported by Jules Levin
ICAAC Sept 14 2010 Boston
AH Diacon*, A Pym**, MP Grobusch, G. Churchyard , T De Marez, N Lounis, R van Heeswijk, P Meyvisch, M Haxaire, K Andries, DF Mc Neeley
*Stellenbosch University, **Medical Research Council Durban, University of the Witwatersrand and NHLS, Aurum Health, South Africa, and Tibotec
