The 10-Year Safety and Efficacy of Tenofovir DF
(TDF)-Containing HAART in Antiretroviral Naïve Patients
Reported by Jules Levin
Glasgow 2010 Nov 7-11
JV Madruga,1 I Cassetti,2 A Etzel,3 J Suleiman,4 Y Zhou,5 and DR Warren5
for the 903E Study Team
1Centro de Referencia e Treinamento DST/AIDS, Sao Paulo, Brazil;
2Fundacion Centro Estudios Infectologicos, Buenos Aires, Argentina; 3Hospital Guilherme Alvaro, Santos, Brazil;
4Brasilmed Assistencia Medica e Pesquisas, Sao Paulo, Brazil; 5Gilead Sciences, Inc., Foster City, CA, USA
from Jules: an interesting slide below shows limb fat over 10 yrs for patients randomized to d4T vs TDF, take a look.....
