Analysis of BENCHMRK-1&2 Using PhenoSense Assay for Darunavir (DRV/r) Resistance and Exploration of Functional Monotherapy with RAL vs DRV
Reported by Jules Levin
Glasgow 2010 Nov 7-11
J. Rockstroh1, J. Eron2, D. Cooper3, R. Steigbigel4, B-Y. Nguyen5, X. Xu5, H. Wan5, A. Rodgers5,
M. Miller5, R. Leavitt5, P. Sklar5, H. Teppler5
1University of Bonn, Bonn-Venusberg, Germany; 2University of North Carolina, USA; 3University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia; 4SUNY at Stony Brook, USA; 5Merck Research Laboratories, North Wales, PA, USA
