Maraviroc 300mg Once Daily +
Darunavir/Ritonavir 800/100mg Once Daily
Provides Maraviroc Trough Concentrations
Comparable to Trough Concentrations in HIV-1
Patients Taking Maraviroc 300mg Twice Daily
+ Truvada: Implications for Phase 3 Studies
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2011 March 2 Boston
Stephen Taylor 1,2,3, Ngozi Dufty 1,3, John Watson 1,3 , Chinyere Okoli 4*, Sathish Thomas William 1*, Marco Siccardi 5*, Andrew Owen 5*, Gerry Gilleran 1, Sarah Barrett 1,2, Jonathan Ainsworth 4*, Kate Gandhi 1, and Erasmus Smit 1,6
1Birmingham Heartlands HIV Service, Directorate of Infection, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, Birmingham,
UK 2University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK 3Department of Military Medicine, Royal Centre for Defence
Medicine, Birmingham 4North Middlesex University Hospital, London, UK 5Department of Therapeutics and
Pharmacology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK and 6HPA Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
