The Brittleness of Aging Bones - more than a Loss of Bone mass
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Berkeley Lab Researchers Show How Loss of Bone Quality Also a major Factor
"with biological aging, the ability of these mechanisms to resist fracture deteriorates leading to a reduction in bone strength and fracture toughness."
August 29, 2011
It is a well-established fact that as we grow older our bones become more brittle and prone to fracturing. It is also well established that loss of mass is a major reason for older bones fracturing more readily than younger bones, hence medical treatments have focused on slowing down this loss. However, new research from scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)'s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) shows that at microscopic dimensions, the age-related loss of bone quality can be every bit as important as the loss of quantity in the susceptibility of bone to fracturing.
Using a combination of x-ray and electron based analytical techniques as well as macroscopic fracture testing, the researchers showed that the advancement of age ushers in a degradation of the mechanical properties of human cortical bone over a range of different size scales. As a result, the bone's ability to resist fracture becomes increasingly compromised. This age-related loss of bone quality is independent of age-related bone mass loss.
It is a well-established fact that as we grow older our bones become more brittle and prone to fracturing. It is also well established that loss of mass is a major reason for older bones fracturing more readily than younger bones, hence medical treatments have focused on slowing down this loss. However, new research from scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)'s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) shows that at microscopic dimensions, the age-related loss of bone quality can be every bit as important as the loss of quantity in the susceptibility of bone to fracturing.
Using a combination of x-ray and electron based analytical techniques as well as macroscopic fracture testing, the researchers showed that the advancement of age ushers in a degradation of the mechanical properties of human cortical bone over a range of different size scales. As a result, the bone's ability to resist fracture becomes increasingly compromised. This age-related loss of bone quality is independent of age-related bone mass loss.
At each size scale, the hierarchical structure of human cortical bone influences its susceptibility to fracturing with smaller levels affecting intrinsic toughness and higher levelss impacting extrinsic toughness. (Image courtesy of Ritchie, et. al)
"In characterizing age-related structural changes in human cortical bone at the micrometer and sub micrometer scales, we found that these changes degrade both the intrinsic and extrinsic toughness of bone," says Berkeley Lab materials scientist Robert Ritchie. "Based on multiscale structural and mechanical tests, we attribute this degradation to a hierarchical series of coupled mechanisms that start at the molecular level."
Ritchie, who holds joint appointments with Berkeley Lab's materials Sciences Division and the University of California (UC) Berkeley's materials Science and Engineering Department, is the senior author of a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS) that describes this work. The paper is titled "Age-related changes in the plasticity and toughness of human cortical bone at multiple length scales."
Co-authoring the PNAS paper with Ritchie were Elizabeth Zimmermann, Eric Schaible, Hrishikesh Bale, Holly Barth, Simon Tang, Peter Reichert, Bjorn Busse, Tamara Alliston and Joel Ager.
These graphs show the mechanical properties of human cortical bone as a function of age for (A) strength and (B) fracture-toughness.
Human cortical or compact bone is a composite of collagen molecules and nanocrystals of a mineralized form of calcium called hydroxyapatite (HA). mechanical properties of stiffness, strength and toughness arise from both the characteristic structure at the nanoscale, and at multiple length scales through the hierarchical architecture of the bone. These length scales extend from the molecular level to the osteonal structures at near-millimeter levels. An osteon is the basic structural unit of compact bone, comprised of a central canal surrounded by concentric rings of lamellae plates, through which bone remodels.
"mechanisms that strengthen and toughen bone can be identified at most of these structural length scales and can be usefully classified, as in many materials, in terms of intrinsic toughening mechanisms at small length scales, promoting non-brittle behavior, and extrinsic toughening mechanisms at larger length scales acting to limit the growth of cracks," Ritchie says. "These features are present in healthy, young human bone and are responsible for its unique mechanical properties. However, with biological aging, the ability of these mechanisms to resist fracture deteriorates leading to a reduction in bone strength and fracture toughness."
Robert Ritchie holds joint appointments with Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley (Photo by Roy Kaltschmidt, Berkeley Lab)
Working with the exceptionally bright beams of x-rays at Berkeley Lab's Advanced Light Source (ALS), Ritchie and his colleagues analyzed bone samples that ranged in age between 34 and 99 years. In situ small-angle x-ray scattering and wide-angle x-ray diffraction were used to characterize the mechanical response of the collagen and mineral at the sub micrometer level. A combination of x-ray computed tomography and in situ fracture-toughness measurements with a scanning electron microscope were used to characterize effects at micrometer levels.
"We found that biological aging increases non-enzymatic cross-linking between the collagen molecules, which suppresses plasticity at nanoscale dimensions, meaning that collagen fibrils can no longer slide with respect to one another as a way to absorb energy from an impact," Ritchie says. "We also found that biological aging increases osteonal density, which limits the potency of crack-bridging mechanisms at micrometer scales."
These two mechanisms that act to reduce bone toughness are coupled, Ritchie says, in that the increased stiffness of the cross-linked collagen requires energy to be absorbed by "plastic" deformation at higher structural levels, which occurs by the process of micro cracking.
"With age, remodeling of the bone can lead the osteons to triple in number, which means the channels become more closely packed and less effective at deflecting the growth of cracks," he says. "This growing ineffectiveness must be accommodated at higher structural levels by increased micro cracking. In turn, the increased micro cracking compromises the formation of crack bridges, which provide one of the main sources of extrinsic toughening in bone at length scales in the range of tens to hundreds of micrometers. Thus, age-related changes occur across many levels of the structure to increase the risk of fracture with age."
This research was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health. The Advanced Light Source is a national user facility supported by the DOE Office of Science.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory addresses the world's most urgent scientific challenges by advancing sustainable energy, protecting human health, creating new materials, and revealing the origin and fate of the universe. Founded in 1931, Berkeley Lab's scientific expertise has been recognized with 12 Nobel prizes. The University of California manages Berkeley Lab for the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science. For more, visit www.lbl.gov.
Age-related changes in the plasticity and toughness of human cortical bone at multiple length scales
August 22, 2011, advance edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Elizabeth A. Zimmermanna,b, Eric Schaibleb, Hrishikesh Baleb, Holly D. Bartha,b, Simon Y. Tangc, Peter Reichertb, Bjoern Busseb, Tamara Allistonc, Joel W. Ager IIIb, and Robert O. Ritchiea,b,1
aDepartment of materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720; bmaterials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720; and cDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94143
Edited* by William D. Nix, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, and approved July 25, 2011 (received for review may 18, 2011)
The structure of human cortical bone evolves over multiple length scales from its basic constituents of collagen and hydroxyapatite at the nanoscale to osteonal structures at near-millimeter dimensions, which all provide the basis for its mechanical properties. To resist fracture, bone's toughness is derived intrinsically through plasticity (e.g., fibrillar sliding) at structural scales typically below a micrometer and extrinsically (i.e., during crack growth) through mechanisms (e.g., crack deflection/bridging) generated at larger structural scales. Biological factors such as aging lead to a markedly increased fracture risk, which is often associated with an age-related loss in bone mass (bone quantity). However, we find that age-related structural changes can significantly degrade the fracture resistance (bone quality) over multiple length scales. Using in situ small-angle X-ray scattering and wide-angle X-ray diffraction to characterize submicrometer structural changes and synchrotron X-ray computed tomography and in situ fracture-toughness measurements in the scanning electron microscope to characterize effects at micrometer scales, we show how these age-related structural changes at differing size scales degrade both the intrinsic and extrinsic toughness of bone. Specifically, we attribute the loss in toughness to increased nonenzymatic collagen cross-linking, which suppresses plasticity at nanoscale dimensions, and to an increased osteonal density, which limits the potency of crack-bridging mechanisms at micrometer scales. The link between these processes is that the increased stiffness of the cross-linked collagen requires energy to be absorbed by "plastic" deformation at higher structural levels, which occurs by the process of microcracking.
Human cortical bone is a nanocomposite of collagen molecules and hydroxyapatite (HA) nanocrystals. However, its essential mechanical properties of stiffness (ca. 15-25 GPa), strength (ca. 100 mPa), and toughness (≥5 mPa/m) are not derived solely from the characteristic structure at the nanoscale, but rather at multiple length scales through bone's hierarchical architecture, which extends from molecular dimensions to the osteonal struc- tures at near-millimeter levels. Indeed, salient mechanisms that strengthen and toughen bone can be identified at most of these length scales (Fig. 1) and can be usefully classified, as in many ma- terials, in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic toughening mechanisms.
Intrinsic toughening mechanisms (1-6) enhance the inherent resistance of the material to fracture by inhibiting both the initiation and growth of cracks; in bone, they can be identified by plasticity (strictly inelasticity) mechanisms acting ahead of a crack and derived primarily at submicrometer length scales (Fig. 1). Extrinsic toughening mechanisms (7, 8), conversely, act primarily in the crack wake to inhibit crack growth by "shielding" it from the applied stresses. In bone, they are created principally by the interaction of growing cracks with the osteonal structures; as such, they are derived at much larger length scales in the range of tens to hundreds of micrometers.
Aging markedly increases the risk of fracture in bone. Although a major reason is the age-related loss in bone-mineral density (bone quantity) (9, 10), recent studies show that the structure and properties of bone specifically degrade with age, independent of the bone-mineral density (11), an issue of bone quality. Indeed, a deterioration in the bone toughness has been correlated with aging (12, 13), as a result of a variety of nano- and/ or microstructural changes including progressively larger osteonal dimensions and densities (14), increased nonenzymatic cross-link densities (15), and increased microcracking. In human cortical bone, cross-links occur in two forms: (i) enzymatic cross- links-as immature intrafibrillar (dehydrodihydroxynorleucine and dehydrohydroxylysinonorleucine) and mature interfibrillar (pyridinoline and pyrrole), and (ii) nonenzymatic advanced gly- cation end products (AGEs), such as pentosidine, that form both intra- and interfibrillar links along the collagen backbone (16). Although the level of enzymatic cross-links stabilizes around 10-15 y of age (17, 18), AGEs can increase up to fivefold with age (15, 18, 19), which has been correlated to reduced bone toughness and fracture resistance (20-23). Similarly, excessive remodeling with age increases the osteonal density in human cortical bone; this governs the degree of microcracking and in turn affects the development of crack bridges, which provide a major source of toughening at micrometer-scale levels and above (12).
In this work, we examine the role of aging on the mechanical properties of human cortical bone at multiple structural hierarchies using a set of samples from the same donors, by relating significant age-related structural changes to a degradation in specific toughening mechanisms detrimental to fracture resistance that arise at length scales from approximately tens of nanometers to hundreds of micrometers.
The mechanisms of fracture resistance in human cortical bone derived over a range of length scales from molecular levels to near-millimeter dimensions are individually related to nano/microstructural features in the bone-matrix structure. These features degrade with biological aging and lead to a deterioration in the bone strength and toughness. Our macroscopic mechanical property measurements demonstrate that over the age range of about 34-99 y, there is a definite loss in bone quality affecting the fracture risk; specifically, there is a reduction in bone strength, initially as a loss in plasticity and subsequently in peak strength, and a corresponding significant decrease in fracture toughness, respectively, for crack initiation and crack growth (Fig. 2). However, the origin of these properties and their biological degradation reside at very different length scales.
Phenomena at Submicrometer Length Scales.
mineralized collagen fibrils, the basic building blocks of the bone matrix, consist of a self-assembly of collagen molecules and HA platelets. At this length scale, bone deforms by stretching/unwinding of individual collagen molecules (25, 26) and deformation of the mineral's crystalline lattice, which is primarily deposited in the gaps be- tween the collagen molecules' 67-nm stagger.
At the next length scale, the mechanical properties of the mineralized collagen fibril reflect the composite deformation of the collagen and HA. Within the fibrils, sliding at the HA/ collagen interface (27), intermolecular cross-linking (16, 28, 29), and sacrificial bonding (3) constrain molecular stretching and provide the basis for the increased apparent strength of the col- lagen molecules without catastrophic failure of either compo- nent. The molecular behavior of the protein and mineral phases (fibrillar sliding) within a fibril enables a large regime of dissipa- tive deformation once plastic yielding begins in mineralized tis- sues (4, 30, 31) and other biological materials (32). This model of load transfer represents the principal plasticity mechanism at this length scale. As in most materials, plasticity provides a major contribution to the intrinsic toughness by dissipating energy and forming "plastic zones" surrounding incipient cracks that further serve to blunt crack tips, thereby reducing the driving force (i.e., stress intensity) for crack propagation.
We find here that the strength and plasticity of bone are clearly degraded with age. The current in situ SAXS/WAXD studies provide experimental evidence of intrinsic mechanical degradation at the collagen fibril length scale; the results indicate that, for a given strain applied to the bone tissue, the strain carried by the collagen fibrils is significantly less, by some 25%, in aged bone compared to young (Fig. 5A). The origin of this stiffening of the collagen with age, though, can be associated with an even lower level of the hierarchy.
These conclusions are completely consistent with cross-linking measurements in this study (Fig. 6), and elsewhere (15, 18), that demonstrate that aging results in increased AGEs cross-links. These act to degrade the structural integrity of the fibrils by stiffening them to restrict fibrillar sliding (plasticity) and consequently degrade the ductility, strength, and intrinsic toughness of the bone. Further, our results are consistent with computa- tional models of fibril deformation (28, 29, 33), which predict an inhibition of fibrillar sliding with cross-linking, and with experi- ments (22) showing a reduced toughness in bone glycated in vitro.
Taken as a whole, the evidence at submicrometer length scales strongly suggests that aging results in changes to the collagen environment, which specifically act to constrain the fibril's capacity to deform. The loss in plasticity at these nanometer length scales directly degrades the intrinsic toughness, thereby contributing to the increased fracture risk.
Phenomena at micro to Near-millimeter Length Scales
Another con- tribution to the fracture resistance of bone, however, is at much coarser length scales in the range of tens to hundreds of micro- meters and involves mechanisms of extrinsic toughening that inhibit the growth of cracks. The primary driver for these me- chanisms is the nature of the crack path and how it interacts with the bone-matrix structure. Two salient toughening mechanisms can be identified (7, 8): crack bridging and crack defection/twist. Several structural features (such as osteocyte lacunae, porosity, etc.; ref. 34) can deflect the crack path, but it is the largest fea- tures, specifically the secondary osteons, that are the most effec- tive (7, 35, 36). The key feature is the hyper-mineralized osteonal boundaries (i.e., cement lines) that act as primary locations for microcracking. In the longitudinal orientation under study here, microcracks largely form parallel to or ahead of the main growing crack and result in the formation of uncracked-ligament bridges (Fig. 3). (These are simply uncracked regions in the wake of the main crack tip. They are not ligaments in the anatomical sense.) Detailed 2D ESEm and 3D computed X-ray tomography studies show that, in general, the size and frequency of these crack bridges are much lower in older bone (Fig. 3). We believe that the diminished crack bridging is the result of increased osteonal density and decreased size (Fig. 4), which is characteristic of older bone due to a higher rate of turnover. As the nominal size of the uncracked ligaments scales with the 3D osteonal spacing, the increased osteonal density leads to smaller and less frequent crack bridges. The marked reduction in the slope of the fracture-toughness R curves with age (Fig. 2B) is completely consistent with this diminished contribution from extrinsic toughening by crack bridging.
Coupling of Phenomena Across Length Scales
We observe intrinsic toughening in cortical bone by fibrillar sliding plasticity mechan- isms at nanoscale levels and extrinsic toughening principally by crack deflection and bridging at length scales three orders of mag- nitude or so larger. We have direct evidence that aging leads to a suppression of fibrillar sliding associated with increased collagen cross-linking at molecular levels. It is intriguing to contemplate whether these multiscale mechanisms are coupled. We believe one route is through the mechanism of microcracking, which serves as a plasticity mechanism, a source of toughening as it in- duces both crack deflection and bridging, and may well initiate the signaling processes that promote bone remodeling (37). In this regard, it is pertinent to note that the SAXS/WAXD data in Fig. 5A show that the strain in the mineralized collagen fibrils in young bone is not that much less than the applied tissue strain (dotted line); this implies that the applied loads are being transferred far more effectively to the nanostructural length scales in young bone than aged bone, consistent with plasticity occurring by fibrillar sliding. In aged bone, conversely, this mechanism is clearly less effective because the fibrillar strains are significantly lower than the tissue strain. Consequently, the tissue deformation in aged bone must be accommodated by mechanisms occurring at higher structural levels to compensate for the lack of plasticity in the mineralized collagen fibrils. Indeed, our observations are consistent with models of deformation in hierarchical structures (28, 38) and by ribosylating bone samples to induce nonenzymatic glycation in vitro, which was found to decrease the bone's ability to dissipate energy postyield (22, 39, 40).
A higher incidence of microcracking in aged bone (41, 42), arising from nonenzymatic cross-links at the molecular and fibrillar level (40), is known to result in the formation of smaller crack bridges and diminished extrinsic toughening in aged bone (12). Additionally, at submicrometer length scales, it is consistent with observations showing a higher incidence of pre- and postyield microcracks in bone samples with higher levels of ribosylation- induced AGEs (40).
Whereas we believe that increased nonenzymatic cross-linking plays a prime role in suppressing deformation at the fibrillar level (22, 33, 39, 40), at this size scale, additional age-related changes to the organic matrix (3, 43-46), the mineral size (47), and post- translational modifications to the collagen (23) may influence the material properties. Additionally, variability in both mineraliza- tion (48-50) and the local mineral content (51-53) due to disease or osteoporosis treatments are known to affect the mechanical properties and may play a role in aging. We believe that the age-related increase in microdamage originates at the fibrillar level; however, changes in the location (42) or nature (54, 55) of microcracking with age may further reveal how this role of microcracking contributes to the toughness. At higher structural levels, intracortical porosity (56-58) and an irregular collagen fibril orientation (59, 60) may additionally impact the mechanical properties.
Human cortical bone derives its strength and toughness from mechanisms that dissipate energy at many different structural length scales; by the same token, biological factors such as aging that impair bone quality also operate at these differing scales. In this study, we have partitioned these mechanisms into intrinsic toughening (plasticity) mechanisms such as fibrillar sliding that operate at dimensions typically below a micrometer, and extrinsic toughening (crack-tip shielding) mechanisms such as crack brid- ging that operate at dimensions often well above a micrometer. At the macroscopic level, aging compromises the strength, ductility (plasticity), and intrinsic toughness. Through a series of experimental multiscale structural and mechanical characterizations, we attribute this degradation to a series of coupled mechanisms starting at the lowest (molecular) hierarchical levels, by changing the deformation behavior of the mineralized collagen fibrils due to increased inter- and intrafibrillar cross-linking. The resulting elevated stiffness of the collagen negatively affects the bone's ability to plastically deform by fibrillar sliding, which then must be accommodated at higher structural levels, by increased microcracking. Coupled with an increased osteonal density in older bone, the higher density of microcracks in turn compromises the formation of crack bridges, which provide one of the main sources of extrinsic toughening in bone at length scales in the range of tens to hundreds of micrometers.
mechanical Properties.
We examined the in vitro strength and toughness properties of hydrated human cortical bone samples from diaphyses of fresh-frozen humeri from young and old groups (young, 34-41 y old, N = 7; aged, 85-99 y old, N = 6). middle- aged bone (61-69 y old, N = 5) was additionally evaluated for toughness measurements. Strength properties, determined from the three-point bending of unnotched beams, showed a 5% loss in yield strength and a 10% loss in peak strength with age (Fig. 2A). Corresponding fracture-toughness properties, presented in the form of stress-intensity K -based crack-resistance curves (R curves) in Fig. 2B, reveal a progressive loss in both the crack initiation and growth toughnesses in the longitudinal orientation with age. These latter data represent the current measurements on small cracks sized below approximately 500 μm, performed in situ in the environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEm), together with our previous ex situ measurements (12) on the same bone, where crack sizes were an order of magnitude larger. Because the combined R curves plotted in Fig. 2B indicate that the crack-growth toughness (i.e., slope of the R curve) is dependent upon the extent of crack extension, we measured this toughness from the slope of regression lines through each entire dataset but at larger crack extensions along the steady-state region of the curves. Based on these measurements, it is apparent that the toughness of the aged bone is over four times smaller than that of the young bone.
Structural Characterization at micrometer Scales and Above.
From in situ ESEm and ex situ 3D synchrotron X-ray computed tomography, the fracture surfaces were seen to be relatively smooth in the longitudinal orientation with crack paths showing extensive evidence of microcrack formation nominally parallel to, and ahead of, the growing crack (Fig. 3). The intact regions between the microcracks and the main growing crack result in the forma- tion of "uncracked-ligament bridges" to provide a source of extrinsic toughening by carrying load that would otherwise be used to further crack growth. As reported previously, we found smaller and fewer crack bridges in the aged bone (Fig. 3) (12), resulting in a reduced contribution to the crack-growth toughness with age.
Three-dimensional X-ray computed tomography was also used to characterize the number and size of osteons in young and aged bone. Fig. 4 demonstrates the dramatically higher number of osteons in aged bone; in fact, the aged sample has nearly three times the osteonal density, defined as the number of osteons per unit bone area, consistent with reports elsewhere (24). The higher osteon density in aged bone supports the notion that a growing crack will have more cement lines at which microcracks can form, resulting in both smaller crack bridges and a lower crack-growth toughness.
Structural Characterization at Submicrometer Scales
To examine the corresponding intrinsic behavior at smaller (submicrometer) dimensions, we performed in situ high-flux synchrotron X-ray scattering experiments on uniaxial tensile specimens to study the mechanical behavior of the individual constituents of bone (Fig. 5).
Results from the small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) experiments are shown as strains in the mineralized collagen fibrils (Fig. 5A) and mineral (Fig. 5B) as a function of the macroscopic strain applied to the sample (i.e., tissue strain). For a given tissue strain, the strain in the mineralized collagen fibrils is more than 25% lower in aged bone (Fig. 5D) than in young bone, implying that the fibrils have become stiffer with age. (The SAXS/WAXD results reveal that the aged fibrils are stiffer because, for a given tissue strain, the collagen fibrils in young bone have a higher strain and thus absorb more energy through deformation at this structural level.)
For the stiffness of the fibrils to change with age, structural changes must be occurring at this level. To examine changes to the collagen environment with age, we quantified the collagen cross-linking due to nonenzymatic glycation-i.e., AGEs (Fig. 6). Consistent with the literature (15, 18), our results show a higher level of AGEs in aged bone than in young bone (Fig. 6). The SAXS/WAXD observations clearly indicate that these increased levels of nonenzymatic cross-links with age stiffen the collagen fibrils, thereby affecting the plasticity of the bone.