Switching from Efavirenz/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (EFV/FTC/TDF) Single Tablet Regimen (STR) to Emtricitabine/Rilpivirine/Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (FTC/RPV/TDF) STR
in Virologically Suppressed, HIV-1 Infected Subjects
Reported by Jules Levin
51st Interscience Conference on
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC)
September 17-20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois, USA
A Mills,1 C Cohen,2 E DeJesus,3 B Rashbaum,4 C Brinson,5 K Yale,6 S Ramanathan,6 R Ebrahim,6 A Jandourek,6 and A Cheng6
1Anthony Mills MD Inc, Los Angeles, CA; 2Community Research Initiative, Boston, MA; 3Orlando Immunology Ctr, Orlando, FL;
4Capital Medical Associates, Washington, DC; 5Central Texas Clinical Research, Austin, TX; 6Gilead Sciences, Inc., Foster City, CA

1. Conway BJ Acquir Immune Defi c Syndr 2007;45:S14-18
2. Molina JM et al. Lancet 201;378:238-46
3. Cohen CJ et al. Lancet 2011;378:229 -37
4. Crauwels H, et al. 18th CROI; Boston, MA; February 27-March 2, 2011. Abst. 630
5. Data on fi le.