Adoptive Transfer of Zinc Finger Nuclease CCR5 Modified Autologous CD4 T-cells (SB-728-T) to Aviremic HIV-infected Subjects with Suboptimal CD4 Counts (200-500 cells/mm3)
Reported by Jules Levin
ICAAC Chicago Sept 17-20
Ronald Mitsuyasu1, Jacob Lalezari2, Steven Deeks3, Shelley Wang4, Gary Lee4, Michael Holmes4, Philip Gregory4, Marty Giedlin4, Winson Tang4 and Dale Ando41UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; 2Quest Clinical Research, San Francisco, CA; 3UCSF, San Francisco, CA; and 4Sangamo BioSciencesInc, Richmond, CA;
ICAAC: Sangamo HIV Gene Therapy Data Reported at ICAAC Sept 19 2011 - (09/21/11)
ICAAC: HIV Gene Therapy Safe, Well Tolerated - (09/21/11)
ICAAC: Zinc Finger-Modified CD4-Cell Booster Transplant Working in Pilot Trial - Written by Mark Mascolini - (09/19/11)
