Rilpivirine (TMC278) tolerability over the first 12 weeks of treatmentin the Phase III ECHO and THRIVE studies
Reported by Jules Levin
51st Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Chicago, IL, USA, September 17-20 2011
Bruce Rashbaum,1 Pierre-Marie Girard,2 Anita Rachlis,3 Diana Pedral-Sampaio,4 Aimee Wilkin,5 Simon Vanveggel,6 Katia Boven7
1Capital Medical Associates, Washington, DC, USA; 2Hôpital Saint Antoine, Paris, France; 3Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; 4Federal University of Bahia, Brazil;5Wake Forest University Health Sciences, Winston-Salem, NC, USA; 6Tibotec BVBA, Beerse, Belgium; 7Tibotec Inc. Titusville, NJ, USA
