Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of Raltegravir (RAL) in a Diverse Cohort of HIV-Infected Patients: 48-Week Results from the REALMRK Study
Reported by Jules Levin
51st ICAAC
September 17-20, 2011
Chicago, IL
K. Squires1, L-G. Bekker2, J. Eron3, B. Cheng4, J. Rockstroh5, F. Marquez6, P. Kumar7, M. Thompson8,
R. Campo9, K. Mounzer10, C. Lu11, A. Rodgers11, B. Jackson11, M. Robertson11, B-Y. Nguyen11, P. Sklar11 and the REALMRK Investigators
1Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA; 2Univ of Capetown, Capetown, South Africa; 3Univ of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; 4International HIV Partners, Lake Forest Park, WA; 5Univ of Bonn, Bonn-Venusburg, Germany; 6Palm Springs Research Inst, Hialeah, FL; 7Georgetown Univ, Washington DC; 8AIDS Research Consortium, Atlanta, GA; 9Univ of Miami, Miami, FL; 10Philadelphia FIGHT, Philadelphia, PA; 11Merck Research Laboratories, North Wales, PA
