Microbial Translocation Independently Predicts Future Hypertension in HIV-Infected Individuals
Reported by Jules Levin CROI 2012 March 5-8 Seattle WA
Ingjerd W. Manner1,2, Dag Kvale1,2, Morten Baekken1, Maria Pedersen3, Susanne Dam Poulsen3, Ingrid Os1,2, Marius Troseid11Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway 2University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, 3Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
CROI: The Impact of Elevated and Pre-hypertensive Systolic Blood Pressure and the Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction in HIV+ and HIV- Veterans - (03/22/11) these 2 studies associate immune activation & inflammation with hypertension & consequent MIs in HIV!
LPS and sCD14 levels pre-HAART were independent predictors of future hypertension as well as blood pressure at 2 different timepoints, thus linking hypertension to HIV-pathogenesis.
The gastrointestinal mucosal barrier may be a potential target to prevent hypertension and long-term cardiovascular complications in HIV-infection.