Risk of common cancers by age 60 for HIV-infected patients in the United States and Canada
Reported by Jules Levin
IAC Wash DC 2012 July 22-27
Michael J. Silverberg, Bryan Lau, Yuezhou Jing, Chad Achenbach, Keri Althoff, Ronald Bosch, John T. Brooks, Ann Burchell, Heidi Crane, Gypsyamber D'Souza, M. John Gill, James J. Goedert, Nancy A. Hessol, Amy C. Justice, Robert Hogg, Michael A. Horberg, Gregory D. Kirk, Mari M. Kitahata, Marina B. Klein, Jeffrey N. Martin, W. Christopher Mathews, Richard D. Moore, Sonia Napravnik, Richard Novak, Pragna Patel, Anita Rachlis, Benigno Rodriguez, Timothy R. Sterling, James Willig, and Robert Dubrow for the North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD) of IeDEA
Cumulative cancer incidence by age 60 is a potentially useful clinical measure. Main limitation is that we were not able to study secular trends in cancer screening, smoking, or viral co-infections. Study strengths were the large size and geographic and demographic diversity of cohorts.
With the exception of declines for KS and NHL as a result of ART, and an increase for liver cancer, cancer risk did not change significantly over time.
However, risk for KS, NHL, HL, malignant melanoma, and anal, lung and liver cancers varied significantly by sex, race, and/or HIV exposure risk.
Cohorts included (N): ALIVE (609), HIVRN (10,230), HOPS (4,192), JHHCC (4,043), KPNC (7,824), MACS (1,403), MONT (2,206), SAC (1,730), UAB (2,470), UCHCC (1,596), UW (2,842), CWRU (1,545), VAND (3,285), WIHS (2,300)