Will and Should Women in the U.S. Use PrEP? Findings from a Focus Group Study of At-risk HIV-negative Women in Oakland, Memphis, San Diego, and Washington, DC
Reported by Jules Levin
IAC Wash DC 2012 July 22-27
Focus group study with 92 HIV-negative women (69% African-American, 19% Latino, 7% white, poor) in 4 cities: Oakland, CA; Memphis, TN; San Diego, CA; Washington, DC........[women expressed]......
......."Mistrust of medical system and government (especially among African American women)".......apparently, as reported in the talk by the presenter, the women interviewed most often said 99% is the efficacy they required
Judith D. Auerbach, Research Consultant to AIDS United & San Francisco AIDS Foundation, San Francisco, CA, Alyx Banyan, Project Consultant to AIDS United, Oakland, CA, Maura Riordan, AIDS United, Washington, DC
