Rapid and Consistent Virologic Responses in a Phase 2 Trial of a New All-Oral Combination of Faldaprevir, Deleobuvir and PPI-668, with and without Ribavirin, in Patients with HCV Genotype-1a Infection
Reported by Jules Levin
64th Annual Mtg of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, Washington DC, Nov 1-5 2013 Wash DC
J. Lalezari1, L. Holland1, E. Glutzer1, P. Vig2, M. Elgadi3, J.O. Stern3, R. Colonno2, S. Halfon2, E. Ruby2, N. Huang2, Q. Huang2, E. Nash2 and N. Brown2 1Quest Clinical Research and U. California-San Francisco (San Francisco, CA, USA), 2Presidio Pharmaceuticals (San Francisco, CA, USA), 3Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals (Ridgefield, CT, USA)
