Ending the Silent Epidemic of Viral Hepatitis in the U.S. - Ronald Valdiserri MD HHS
Reported by Jules Levin
AASLD Nov 1-4 2013 Wash DC
Ronald O. Valdiserri, M.D., M.P.H.
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health, Infectious Diseases
Director, Office of HIV/AIDS & Infectious Disease Policy
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
November 5, 2013

"The CHeCS investigators examined 1.2 million people who used the four integrated medical care systems during 2006 through 2008, and 57% of the number estimated to have HCV infection had actually been tested and identified as infected. In the broader population from which the 30,140 NHANES participants were drawn, 50% of persons who had tested positive for antibodies to HCV and provided information during in-depth telephone interviews were aware of their HCV-infection status before being notified of that infection by the NHANES.3 The CHeCS researchers are currently examining reasons why the people who were found to be infected in their study had or had not been tested previously. In the population on which the CHeCS draws, less than half of people who had had two or more abnormal alanine aminotransferase results were subsequently tested for HCV infection.2......(38%) had no follow-up HCV RNA testing documented in the electronic database1......From these data it seems reasonable to deduce that 63 to 77% of people who have tested positive for HCV antibodies - 32 to 38% of all HCV-infected people in the United States - received follow-up hepatitis care......Among those receiving care, such as the 8810 who were initially examined in the CHeCS, 5540 (63%) had had at least one HCV RNA measurement between 2001 and 2010.....Of the HCV-infected people in the CHeCS - people who are more likely than average to be receiving specialist care for HCV - 3380 (38%) had undergone a liver biopsy between 2001 and 2010.1 In the NHANES, of 66 persons who said they received care for their HCV infection, 31 (47%) said they had undergone a biopsy. These proportions translate to about 12 to 18% of the total HCV-infected population......In the CHeCS, 36% of people who knew they were infected - about 18% of the estimated total infected population who had been identified as infected - had evidence in their electronic or hard-copy chart of any treatment for HCV.1 In the NHANES, 22 of the 170 HCV-infected persons who answered follow-up surveys (13%) said they had received treatment for HCV infection.3.....It is more difficult to determine whether treatment has been successful, but in the CHeCS the most recent test results indicated that HCV RNA was "undetectable" in 21% of patients, and 80% of patients with such results had documentation of having received antiviral therapy1 - that is, about 17% of the total CHeCS cohort, or about 5 to 6% of all HCV-infected people......resulting estimates may actually be high.....there is also a need to do a better job of getting HCV-infected persons who know their HCV status into care, evaluated, and, as appropriate, treated. It is past time to address more vigorously what Assistant Secretary for Health Howard Koh has called the silent epidemic of viral hepatitis."
Hepatitis C in the United States Perspective (screening/care) - Natap
May 16, 2013 - An examination of the prevalence of chronic HCV infection in the United States during the period 1999 through 2002, based on NHANES
