Six Years of Treatment With Tenofovir DF for Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection is Safe and Well Tolerated and Associated With Sustained Virological, Biochemical, and Serological Responses With No Detectable Resistance
Reported by Jules Levin
Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL) Liver Week, June 6-10, 2013, Singapore
Naoky Tsai1, Maria Buti2, Edward Gane3, William Sievert4, Ira M. Jacobson5, Phillip Dinh6, John F. Flaherty6, Kathryn M. Kitrinos6, John G.McHutchison6, George Germanidis7, Patrick Marcellin8
1University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, USA; 2Hospital General Universitari Vall d'Hebron and Ciberehd, Barcelona, Spain; 3Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand;
4Monash University and Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne, VIC, Australia; 5Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, USA;
6Gilead Sciences, Inc., Foster City, CA, USA; 7AHEPA University Hospital, Aristotle University Medical School, Thessaloniki, Greece; 8Hopital Beaujon, Clichy, France
