Phenotypic CD8+ T cell Defects in Treated HIV Infection
are Distinct from Those of Aging, Predict Mortality, and May Be Prevented by Earlier ART
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2013 Atlanta
Sulggi Lee1, Elizabeth Sinclair1, Hiroyu Hatano1, Priscilla Hsue1, Yong Huang1, Lorrie Epling1, Vivek Jain1, Mark Van Natta2, Curtis Meinert2, David R. Bangsberg3, Michael M. Lederman4, Frederick Hecht1, Jeffrey N. Martin1, Steven G. Deeks1, and Peter W. Hunt1
1University of California San Francisco, CA, USA; 2 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA; 3 Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA; 4 Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA
