Resistance Analysis of Cirrhotic Treatment-Experienced Genotype 1 Patients in a Study of MK-7009 in Combination With Pegylated Interferon/Ribavirin
Reported by Jules Levin
EASL 2013 Amsterdam April 25-28
Anita Howe, Richard Barnard, Peggy Hwang, Sanhita Bhanja, Havilland Campbell, Julie Strizki, Carol Cheney, Carolyn McHale,
William Newhard, Daria Hazuda, and Niloufar Mobashery
· MK-7009 when combination with PR is highly efficacious for up to 48 weeks of therapy in compensated cirrhotic patients
· The frequency and pattern of RAVs observed in non-SVR patients in the cirrhotic cohort was similar to that observed in
non-cirrhotic non-SVR patients that received MK-7009.*
· The Phase 3 studies in treatment naïve/treatment-experienced patients in Japan are nearly completed.
* Population and Clonal Analysis of Resistance-Associated Amino Acid Variants (RAVs) in Viruses From Patients
Enrolled in a Phase 2b Study of MK-7009 (Vaniprevir): 'HCV Protease Resistance Persists-Clonal Sequencingnovel
double/triple mutations detected up to 300 days after stopping HCV therapy' Barnard et al., HEP DART 2011,
December 4-8th 2011, Kauai, HI, USA
