Health-related Quality of Life Among Genotype 1 Treatment Experienced Chronic Hepatitis C Patients: Post-hoc Analyses of Data From the Realize Clinical Trial
Reported by Jules Levin
EASL 2013 April 24-28 Amsterdam
Sherman KE1, Muir A2, Aggarwal J3, Donepudi M4, Goss T3, Martin M4,
Vera--Llonch M4, Younossi Z5
1University of Cincinntia1 College of Medicine, Cincinntia1, OH, US, 2Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC, US, 3Boston Healthcare Associates, Inc., Boston, MA, US, 4Vertex Pharmaceu1cals Incorporated, Cambridge, MA, US, 5Inova Health System, Falls Church, VA, US
